Short por­trait IGH


The In­ter­es­sen­ge­mein­schaft Daten­ver­bund (IGH) was found­ed on 25 March 1994 by 10 com­pa­nies from the heat­ing in­dus­try. IGH cur­rent­ly has over 110 mem­bers. These are lead­ing com­pa­nies from the san­i­tary, heat­ing, cool­ing, ven­ti­la­tion, plumb­ing and elec­tri­cal sec­tors and the Swiss-Liecht­en­stein Build­ing Tech­nol­o­gy As­so­ci­a­tion (su­is­setec) and (As­so­ci­a­tion of Swiss Elec­tri­cal In­stal­la­tion Com­pa­nies, for­mer­ly VSEI).

Chron­i­cle: 1994 un­til to­day

2022 - Lo­go & Home­page

IGH re­fresh­es its face with a new lo­go and a new home­page. The con­tent is now al­so pub­lished in Eng­lish.

2022 - BIM for web ap­pli­ca­tions

IGH’s web ap­pli­ca­tions can now han­dle BIM da­ta.

  • Ex­cel con­vert­er for Data­Ex­pert®
  • XML val­i­da­tion of all IGH for­mats
  • BIM da­ta in

2021 - Cat­a­logue gen­er­a­tor

Cat­a­logue da­ta can be sup­plied in var­i­ous for­mats:

  • Free Ex­cel
  • sim­ple (on­ly one tab) Ex­cel tem­plate
  • BME­cat file (al­so for ETIM clas­si­fi­ca­tion)
  • Price / reg­is­ter up­date
  • oth­er XML for­mats

2020 - PayNet Adapter

Due to lack of de­mand, sup­port for the PayNet Adapter will be dis­con­tin­ued af­ter 12 years. Yel­low­bill has be­come the stan­dard in build­ing services.

2020 - IGH451 Mo­ti­va­tion

IGH sup­ports and mo­ti­vates the soft­ware part­ners in the im­ple­men­ta­tion of IGH451.

2020 - IGH makes in ETIM

Since 2009, the Swiss Elec­tri­cal Data­base ELDAS has act­ed as the Swiss ETIM staff unit for the elec­tri­cal sec­tor. In or­der to be able to ex­tend the staff unit func­tion to oth­er sec­tors, the as­so­ci­a­tion “ETIM Switzer­land” was found­ed on 4 Sep­tem­ber 2020. IGH is re­spon­si­ble for the heat­ing, ven­ti­la­tion, air con­di­tion­ing and san­i­tary sec­tor as an ac­tive mem­ber. ELDAS will con­tin­ue to look af­ter the elec­tri­cal sec­tor.

2019 - New IGH Man­ag­ing Di­rec­tor

Kurt Zwimpfer will take over the IGH man­age­ment from Hannes Berther as of 1 June 2019. Hannes Berther will re­main with IGH as an ad­vi­so­ry board mem­ber.

2019 - ScanApp

A sim­ple and fast so­lu­tion for or­der­ing stock prod­ucts. Af­ter scan­ning, DataS­e­lect au­to­mat­i­cal­ly cre­ates the sup­pli­er-spe­cif­ic or­ders. The or­der trans­mis­sion takes place via IGH451.

2017 - DataExpert®BIM

New da­ta for­mat for stan­dard­ised da­ta ex­change of ten­der as well as BIM da­ta. The cat­a­logue da­ta is al­so to be used in­creas­ing­ly in ear­li­er plan­ning phas­es.

2016 - New Home­page & Lo­go

New ap­pear­ance, sim­pli­fied “à jour” at­ti­tude (CMS).

2014 - Ex­cel con­vert­er

With this cat­a­logue con­vert­er, Data­Ex­pert® cat­a­logues can be com­plete­ly con­vert­ed in­to an Ex­cel spread­sheet.

The con­vert­er was in­te­grat­ed as a web ap­pli­ca­tion in the mod­ule This means that the con­vert­er can be used any­where and at any time with­out ad­di­tion­al in­stal­la­tion.

2013 - goes IGH451

Ar­ti­cles can now be searched for in by ar­ti­cle num­bers as well as by prod­uct de­scrip­tions. Since the ex­ten­sion of the proven web ap­pli­ca­tion, or­ders can now al­so be gen­er­at­ed di­rect­ly from the shop­ping bas­ket and trans­mit­ted via IGH451. This en­ables on­line com­mu­ni­ca­tion with sup­pli­ers.

2013 - DataS­e­lec­tApp

For iPhone and An­droid: Thanks to the new DataS­e­lec­tApp, all prod­ucts from Data­Ex­pert® cat­a­logues can be or­dered di­rect­ly on the con­struc­tion site. In ad­di­tion, the or­der can be as­signed to the cor­rect project, which mas­sive­ly sim­pli­fies fur­ther pro­cess­ing in the of­fice.

2012 -

The web ap­pli­ca­tion en­sures that the ex­change files are ap­pli­ca­tion-in­de­pen­dent, struc­tural­ly cor­rect and clear­ly iden­ti­fi­able. Fur­ther­more, this ap­pli­ca­tion en­ables all part­ners to ac­cess the ten­dered projects and, if nec­es­sary, al­so of­fers the pos­si­bil­i­ty to ex­port the da­ta di­rect­ly in­to an Ex­cel spread­sheet for fur­ther pro­cess­ing, to process it and then to im­port and for­ward it again.

2012 -

The web ap­pli­ca­tion pro­vides free ac­cess to over 3.4 mil­lion prod­ucts. pro­vides free and un­re­strict­ed ac­cess to all cat­a­logues in Data­Ex­pert® for­mat. Reg­is­tered users can cre­ate and save project-re­lat­ed prod­uct lists. This en­ables fur­ther pro­cess­ing in­de­pen­dent of time and lo­ca­tion.

2011 - ikk

In­di­vid­ual cus­tomer con­di­tions: Quo­ta­tions can be cal­cu­lat­ed in the cal­cu­la­tion pro­gramme with the in­di­vid­ual cus­tomer con­di­tions agreed with the sup­pli­er.

2008 - Yel­low­bill Adapter

Cus­tomer in­voic­es can be in­di­vid­u­al­ly cre­at­ed di­rect­ly in the Data­Ex­pert® for­mat, with a dig­i­tal sig­na­ture VAT-com­pli­ant via PayNet or now al­so via Yel­low­bill.

2006 - DataS­e­lect (of­fline)

With DataS­e­lect, IGH pro­vides all its cus­tomers with a free pro­gramme that al­lows them to cre­ate cat­a­logue da­ta in Data­Ex­pert® for­mat:

  • im­port cat­a­logue da­ta in Data­Ex­pert® for­mat (lo­cal­ly or di­rect­ly via down­load / cat­a­logue as xml or al­so as zip)
  • vi­su­alise all in­for­ma­tion (in­clud­ing pic­tures)
  • to se­lect de­sired da­ta and ex­port it to any pro­cess­ing pro­gramme so that fur­ther pro­cess­ing of this da­ta can take place.

2006 - PayNet Adapter

Data­Ex­pert® en­ables all billers to ex­change VAT-com­pli­ant bills di­rect­ly or with a dig­i­tal sig­na­ture via the PayNet net­work. Ad­van­tages:

  • Stan­dard in­ter­face - fast con­nec­tion
  • Great­ly re­duced con­nec­tion fee
  • Re­duced trans­ac­tion costs

2005 - Amend­ment of the statutes

On 15.04.2005, the IGH mem­bers agree to a change in the statutes, which means that in fu­ture IGH services can al­so be used by com­pa­nies whose field of ac­tiv­i­ty is not build­ing services.
IGH now stands for “In­ter­es­sen­ge­mein­schaft Daten­ver­bund”. The ex­ten­sion “for build­ing services” is omit­ted.

2004 - In­clu­sion of com­pa­nies from the elec­tri­cal in­dus­try

With Data­Ex­pert®, IGH al­so cov­ers the needs of the elec­tri­cal in­dus­try.

2002 - Data­Ex­pert®

With Data­Ex­pert®, IGH takes a fur­ther step in­to the mod­ern world of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Not on­ly can prod­uct in­for­ma­tion now be trans­ferred, but Data­Ex­pert® al­lows the com­plete ex­change of da­ta be­tween sup­pli­ers and cus­tomers. Work that has been cre­at­ed once can thus be tak­en over elec­tron­i­cal­ly (Web­Ser­vice) by the busi­ness part­ner, processed fur­ther and sent back in the same way.

1998 - IGH-On­line

IGH al­so of­fers its services via the In­ter­net.

1998 - IGH-In­ter­face

All im­por­tant soft­ware providers in the build­ing services sec­tor im­ple­ment the IGH in­ter­face in their ap­pli­ca­tions. From this point on, more than 90% of all com­pa­nies can use the cat­a­logue da­ta of IGH mem­bers di­rect­ly from their ap­pli­ca­tion soft­ware.

1997 - In­clu­sion of com­pa­nies from the san­i­tary and ven­ti­la­tion sec­tors

The suc­cess of Win_Expert in the field of da­ta net­work­ing and cat­a­logue da­ta co­or­di­na­tion al­so prompt­ed com­pa­nies from the san­i­tary and ven­ti­la­tion sec­tors to join the IGH project.

1996 - Es­tab­lish­ment of an of­fice

An of­fice is set up for the co­or­di­na­tion of the projects and the ad­min­is­tra­tion of IGH.

1994 - Win_Expert pro­gramme

With Win_Expert, a pro­gramme was avail­able to en­tre­pre­neurs free of charge, which al­lows pro­cess­ing on a cat­a­logue ba­sis.

1994 - Cat­a­logue da­ta in Win_Expert for­mat

The first IGH mem­bers cre­ate a cat­a­logue in the uni­form for­mat of Win_Expert. This gives con­trac­tors (in­stallers) the op­por­tu­ni­ty for the first time to di­rect­ly process cat­a­logue da­ta from dif­fer­ent sup­pli­ers with the same pro­gramme.

1994 - Foun­da­tion of the IGH as­so­ci­a­tion

IGH is found­ed on 25 March 1994 un­der the name: In­ter­es­sen­ge­mein­schaft Daten­ver­bund für die Haustech­nik.