Mo­bile Apps

On the road with da­ta

The da­ta and process­es are al­so avail­able on the con­struc­tion site or dur­ing cus­tomer vis­its. For this pur­pose, all in­ter­est­ed par­ties have the pos­si­bil­i­ty to get the Mo­bileApps of IGH on their de­vice for free.

DataS­e­lec­tApp and ScanApp

The DataS­e­lec­tApp is the coun­ter­part to the web ap­pli­ca­tion. Se­lect the prod­uct from a cat­a­logue, e.g. by scan­ning the EAN num­ber, and or­der it. All with the same app.

The ScanApp (al­so known as the ware­house or­der­ing app) en­ables ef­fi­cient scan­ning of prod­ucts, e.g. when check­ing the small parts ware­house. The scanned prod­ucts are trans­ferred to, as­signed to a sup­pli­er and or­dered di­rect­ly.