Web ap­pli­ca­tions

Da­ta on the in­ter­net

IGH’s web ap­pli­ca­tions give them ac­cess to all the da­ta and process­es of the mem­bers. They show the pos­si­bil­i­ties that plan­ners and in­stallers nor­mal­ly al­so have with the in­dus­try ap­pli­ca­tions of our soft­ware part­ners.

DataSelect.ch and IGH451.ch

With DataSelect.ch you have ac­cess to all IGH cat­a­logues, com­pile projects and can im­me­di­ate­ly ex­change them elec­tron­i­cal­ly with the rel­e­vant sup­pli­ers. Al­ter­na­tive­ly, you can get all the in­for­ma­tion you need for fur­ther com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

IGH451.ch al­so en­ables the ex­change of in­for­ma­tion with IGH stan­dards among non-IGH mem­bers (plan­ners and in­stallers). In ad­di­tion, all IGH files can al­so be val­i­dat­ed. If re­quired, cat­a­logues and IGH451 files can al­so be ex­port­ed to Ex­cel.