Reg­is­ter e-com­mu­ni­ca­tion

Digi­tise process­es

Di­rect com­mu­ni­ca­tion with­out de­tours, ex­change all re­quired in­for­ma­tion di­rect­ly from sys­tem to sys­tem. Your own spe­cial­ists, as well as the spe­cial­ists at your sup­pli­ers, can use their ex­per­tise di­rect­ly, with­out the need for te­dious tran­scrip­tion. This means that all cur­rent in­for­ma­tion is al­ways avail­able, es­pe­cial­ly for a re­al re­cal­cu­la­tion.


  • You use soft­ware that sup­ports the Data­Ex­pert® in­ter­face. If not, in­form your soft­ware provider that we will be hap­py to sup­port you with the im­ple­men­ta­tion.
  • Your sup­pli­er sup­ports elec­tron­ic da­ta ex­change. If the sup­pli­er is not on the list be­low, you should in­form this sup­pli­er ac­cord­ing­ly. Our mem­bers will be hap­py to be added to this list if re­quired.
  • You reg­is­ter with your sup­pli­ers right here.

Reg­is­tra­tion form: ikk and/or process­es

We are pleased that you have de­cid­ed in favour of da­ta ex­change ac­cord­ing to the IGH stan­dard!
Please fill in the fol­low­ing fields. We will send the in­for­ma­tion to the se­lect­ed supplier(s).

* = manda­to­ry fields

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