
Mo­bile ac­cess

An­droid and iPhone users have un­lim­it­ed ac­cess to all prod­ucts of the IGH cat­a­logues in DataExpert®DataExpert® for­mat. All the func­tions al­ready known from are avail­able to them. Miss­ing prod­ucts can be read out and trans­mit­ted di­rect­ly from the con­struc­tion site to the user’s own shop. Pro­vid­ed that the sup­pli­ers give their per­mis­sion, the re­quired prod­ucts can al­so be or­dered elec­tron­i­cal­ly.
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Wel­come to the con­struc­tion site of to­day

Pre­cise plan­ning, ef­fi­cient ex­e­cu­tion and pro­fes­sion­al tools are the key fac­tors of suc­cess­ful con­struc­tion projects.

Dead­lines are of­ten tight and price pres­sure high.

Lo­gis­tics er­rors are an of­ten un­der­es­ti­mat­ed time eater and cost dri­ver.

Mo­bile vis­i­bil­i­ty of cat­a­logues

In ad­di­tion to the nor­mal search func­tions, the bar­code can be scanned and the prod­uct viewed di­rect­ly in the cat­a­logue.
